So you’ve been sent a card? Well done! Someone likes you enough to go to the trouble of providing you with an awesome gift.

But you’re a bit stuck and need a few pointers? We’ve got your back, buddy. Check below for all the answers you’ll need.

Who sent me my card?

Good question. Even we don’t know! It’s top secret and will only be revealed once you complete the card.

Where do I start?

Puzzle cards: Inside your envelope is a blue card that says ‘To get started visit….’ Visit the website on it and you’ve started your puzzle adventure.

Quiz cards: Answer each question and make a note of your answers. Then visit the website on the right hand flap of the card to submit your answers.

How do I get help?

Puzzle cards: Underneath the ‘Get Started’ video you watched is a button that takes you to the relevant clues for your card. If you’ve closed the video, just visit the website on the ‘Get Started’ card again.

Quiz cards: Visit the website on the right hand flap of the card to view relevant help.

I’ve finished the puzzle card. What now?

Super stuff, let’s see if your answers are right. You need to submit your answers online. There’s a different website for each card:

A Very Merry Christmas (the Christmas card): On the back of the ‘Get Started’ card is a website. Simply visit that to enter your answers.

Catch Me If You Can (the detective style one): You need to go to ‘Submit Report’ in the staff login area.

School of Witchcraft and Wizardry: On the card, on the back of the right side is a part labelled ‘Exam Answers’. Visit the website listed.

I’ve submitted my answers and they’re right. Now what?

Very well done indeed! After submitting your answers, you’ve been provided with a password and a link to a secret area of our website to view the message from who sent you the card. The top section – Username – is the ID on your card or envelope. It’s 10 characters long and starts with a number. The bottom section – Password – is the password that you were given when you completed the card (or was provided on the city cards). Type in the password, click ‘Log In’ and see who sent you your Greeteo!

I’m trying to access a webpage but it’s not working?

We’ve thoroughly checked all our pages and do so every day. But you know technology, one minute it’s working and the next it isn’t. To make sure it’s us and not you there’s a handy website you can visit. Copy the web address of the page that isn’t working then click here. Paste in the page address and click the button. It will use all the magic of the Internet to see if it’s an issue with our page or your device.

If it says it’s you (don’t take it personally), please try the following steps:

  • Use an alternative browser
  • Try a private/incognito browsing tab
  • Update your browser
  • Restart your device
  • Use an alternative device

If it says it’s us please email ASAP so we can look into the issue.

I’ve lost my envelope/something from the envelope.

Oh dear oh dear…

Please email and we shall do our best to help you. We’ll get back to you as soon as we can but please note that over the Christmas and New Year period we will be unavailable some days.

I’ve still got a question

Please contact us here